When Does Growth Cease to be a Public Good? 7 - 9 PM, Charlotte Congregational Church
Today’s economic mantra is growth: economic growth, income growth, population growth, more growth. As Kenneth Boulding said, “Anyone who believes in unlimited growth is either an economist or a madman.” See the free movie "Growthbusters" about the growth problems of Colorado Springs. What can Hinesburg and Charlotte learn from their experience? What position should Vermont take on growth? Hear of some groundbreaking work done by Vermonters for a Sustainable Population to address these questions. Sponsored by Charlotte Community Transitions and The Charlotte Congregational Church.
The movie, both serious and entertaining, is under 1 hour and will be followed by an interactive discussion of limits to growth as it pertains to Vermont. You will hear of a study done in 2013 that used 15 different and interesting indicators, reflecting important elements of our environment and our cherished quality of life to arrive at an optimum sustainable population for Vermont.
Jan 23, 2025, 6:30 to 8 PM
January Bird Monitoring WalkJan 25, 2025, 8 to 9:30 AM
Winter Stargazing Event with Joel GreeneJan 25, 2025, 6 to 8 PM