Net-Zero Energy, Passive House Construction Info. Mtg. Feb. 26

Past event
Feb 26, 2015

Th., 2/26, 6:30

The Craftsbury Energy Committee is hosting an informational meeting on Thursday, 2/26, @ 6:30, at the Craftsbury Public Library. This month's informational sharing is on the 24 year old movement of building and remodeling homes and commercial buildings compliant with the Passive House Alliance standards.

Developed in Europe with stricter building energy standards and procedures than even Efficiency Vt.'s Energy Star-built homes, Passive Homes use 80 - 90% less energy to heat and cool than a conventionally built home. These homes are so energy efficient that they don't need a heater or air conditioner to heat or cool the home, yet are comparable in construction cost to a conventional home.

There are now large commercial buildings that are being built to Passive House standards and achieving great success!

Montpelier Construction will be presenting the info on Passive House new construction and what is called "Deep Energy Retrofits", weatherizing older homes to high energy efficient standards.

Below are web sites to get more information.

For more info call Kevin Gregoire of the Energy Committee, 802-281-4432​ Passive House ​C​onstruction ​E​xplained​ in 90 seconds​​: ​​ ​Montpelier Construction Website: Seven Days article on Passive House:[...]123 Massachusetts Passive House article:​ ​

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