7 Pm Tonight at SCS
here is a repeat of the info about the Bond Forum happening this Tues
On Tuesday February 10, the Shelburne School Board will host a community forum at 7 PM at SCS for all interested to learn about and discuss the specifics of the $11.2 Million Bond (Article VI) that will be on the March 3 ballot. The evening will begin at 7 PM with a presentation by members of the facilities committee that proposed the renovation project, explaining the extensive yearlong review of the maintenance and educational needs of the fifty year old building, the five proposals that came out of that review, and the subsequent decision to pursue the specific work outlined for the project that would be funded by the bond. Following the presentation there will a question and answer period, as well as an opportunity for a short tour if anyone would like to see other areas of the building that are included in the renovation proposal. The Forum will be held in the E wing of the school where the proposed renovation would take place, in order to allow everyone interested the opportunity to see first hand some of the needs that the Board is hoping to address. Please park in the area near the gymnasium, accessible by turning into the school off of Harbor Road and going through the front circle. There will be signs to direct everyone to the meeting location from the back door by the gym and the cafeteria.
There is also much information available at the SCS Building our Future facebook page ( www.facebook.com/SCSBuildingOurFuture ), the SCS Facilities Project webpage ( scs facility review ), or by viewing this video created by RETN ( www.vimeo.com/110387489 ) If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at the school at 985-3331 - ext. 106. We hope to see many of you there - Allan Miller, SCS Middle School Co-Principal
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