Reading and Discussion Group on Climate Change

Past event
Feb 5, 2015, 7 to 9 PM

the 2nd meeting of the discussion, We will pick up on some issues from last week, poll the group about what they most wish to focus on next, and welcome new people. Try to read as much as you can, but there are handouts and people willing to fill you in.
This Changes Everything, is a well researched, sharply-argued book about global climate change by award winning author Naomi Klein. We are approaching discussing some of the many positive examples of communities coming together across the globe. Klein argues that the changes that are required to respond to the climate crisis humanely should be viewed as an opportunity - an opportunity to move to a more sustainable way of life, modes of agriculture and transportation, a more just economic system, and way of living in communities. And book gives us many examples of the movements and communities that have already begun this process. Discussion leaders: Jay Moore, Rutgers History PhD and Judith Sargent, Goddard MA in Social Ecology and Sara Mehalick from Rising Tide. More info call Jaquith Library 426-3581

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