Resnik and Morrissey Feb. 4

Past event
Feb 4, 2015, 1:30 to 3 PM

Osher Life Long Living Institute begins its exciting new series of programs on Wednesday, February 4 with Robert Resnik and Marty Morrissey who will present the History of Vermont Through Music at the Montpelier Senior Activities Center (MSAC).

VPR host Robert Resnik and his musical partner Marty Morrissey, both long-time members of The Highland Weavers, will give an overview and history of Vermont folk music with a combination of live performances and recordings.

Future programs will include author Katherine Paterson, meteorologist Roger Hill, a visit to the Montpelier biomass heating plant and a look at international films with Rick Winston.

OLLI programs take place on Wednesdays either at the MSAC or at the Aldrich Library in Barre at 1:30 pm through May 6. Note that the films have a different location/time. There is no charge for members and a suggested $5.00 donation for non-members. See for complete information

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