A Few Announcements

Past event
Feb 5, 2015

Dear Neighbors,

I hope you are having a good weekend. As I write this post, we are just a few hours away from the start of the Super Bowl and a New England win!

Given that my knowledge of football is, well, limited, I’ll get on with the announcements:

1. COFFEE WITH MIRO, FEBRUARY 12 FROM 8-9AM AT THE SPOT - Due to an error on my part, there was a mishap with the cancellation of this event last week. This was not the Mayor’s error; it was mine. I know there were people who showed up last week and I have reached out to anyone I have since found out came to The Spot. If I did not call you or contact you, you not only have my sincere apology. To all who attended last time, you have my apologies. Your coffee is on me if you are able to attend on February 12. If you can’t, please contact me and I’m happy to meet with you and buy you a cup when it’s convenient for you.

I hope many of you can join us for the Coffee on Thursday, February 12.

2. planBTV SOUTH END COMMUNITY MEETING, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 5:30-7:30PM AT CHAMPLAIN ELEMENTARY – On the heels of the successful and collaborative process, planBTV, we are now in the midst of planBTV South End. Please attend this meeting and find out how you can be involved in this process. Also, you can sign up for email alerts buy following this link: http://www.burlingtonvt.gov/planBTV/SE Also, please mark your calendars for the weekend of February 11-14 for a COMMUNITY WORKSHOP much like the planBTV Charrette a few years ago. It promises to be a great community event and opportunity for input to this planning process.

3. WE NEED POLL WORKERS FOR TOWN MEETING DAY – We need you! We can’t have elections without a dedicated group of poll workers. It’s a fun day where you get to meet your neighbors, spend time with a great group of election officials and participate in our democratic process. If you can spare some time from 7am to 8pm, 2 hours or more, please let me know. I’ll put you in touch with people who are eager to work with you.

4. NPA MEETING, THIS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 7-9PM AT THE GREEK CHURCH - Our amazingly dedicated NPA Steering Committee has put together a jam packed agenda including an update on the Burlington Town Center redevelopment. Don Sinex, the owner of the mall will be joining us. As well, we will have a parking study update. We will also have a Mayoral debate and I believe all four candidates for Mayor are confirmed and will be present. This is an important NPA meeting with many of the issues focused on the future of Burlington. I hope to see many of you there.

I think that’s about it for announcements for now. I’ll hope to see you over the next few weeks at one of these events or at your door as I make my way through Ward 6 during this election season. If you have any questions about any of these events, or anything else, please be in touch anytime.

My best,

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