Introduction to Meditation Through Body Awareness
Learn a combination of skillful means as well as the art of simply sitting with silence.
This class is ideal for those who wish to develop a regular meditation practice, and can serve as a platform for a budding home practice.
“Skillful means” as used in this class refers to using breathing techniques, mantra and mudra's to deepen awareness, open blocks and cut through mental distraction in order to prepare for sitting in silence and going deeper.
We will also spend some time on how to deal with pain.
4 weeks, $65. 1hour per class.
Saturdays, 8:30-9:30 a.m. Feb. 21, 28 and March 7, 14
At 24 Pleasant Street, Randolph
For registration and more info., copy and paste to your browser:!uma-mukti-classes/cygj
Instructor info is also available through this link.