Interested in Appletree Point becoming a chemical free zone, the first in the city to declare chemicals off-limits here?
The VT Pesticide Advisory Council has been "reviewing" the 20-year-old pesticide regulations since summer of 2014. The proposed Revised Regs have not been filed for public comment and when they are we will find many chemical products we use on the list.
We know about RoundUp -- a glyphosate-based herbicide that is a toxic endocrine disruptor, now an urban contaminant in water, source of phosphorus, toxic to intestinal biota, etc. But do we check for glyphosate in the ingredients list of other products? If we use anything with glyphosate in it, it washes right into the lake.
If you want to read more about glyphosate and lose sleep:
When Dee Brightstar spoke at the SOS Summit last week, she said the lands that surround the lake are the arms of mother nature, embracing the water. Please, let's embrace our water with love and stop using chemicals, including road salt.
Expect a program at NPA March 25. If you have a passion for this issue. In the meantime, if you are inspired to workon this, please hit reply and together we'll get started on creating a chemical free zone on Appletree Point.