WHAT'S THE DOG SAYING?? Lecture in ESSEX!! Woof! Dog Communication in the Human World!! Thursday, February 5, 6:30-7:30pm Memorial Hall, Essex Registration/Cost: $10/$15 (resident/non-resident) www.essex.org or 878-1342 to register Is a yawn always just a yawn? Why does a dog shake off even when it's not wet? Can a growl actually be a good thing? Is a tail wag always friendly? This fun, informative multi-media presentation will demystify dog communication, reveal some common dog-human misunderstandings, and explore how dogs and humans relate to, and work with, each other. This event is for humans only, please leave your pups at home! THIS LECTURE IS BEING GIVEN IN OTHER TOWNS TOO! COMPLETE SCHEDULE: www.goldstardog.com Questions: deb@goldstardog.com
Feb 7, 2025, 6 to 7 PM
The Artist's Way Creativity Group at JTLFeb 10, 2025, 6:30 to 8 PM
Restorative and Gentle Yoga in the Art StudioFeb 12, 2025, 5:30 to 7 PM