Sue Morse Comes Back for an Encore

Past event
Feb 3, 2015

After packing the house at the Richmond Free Library earlier this month for her talk and slide show on the cougar’s return to the east, Sue Morse is returning for another show exploring the dynamics and drama of today’s natural world.

Next Tuesday evening, February 3, Sue will be presenting “Animals of the North: What Will Global Climate Change Mean to Them?” Drawing on her first-hand experiences during many treks through the arctic and sub-arctic, she’ll describe and illustrate with her wonderful photography the impact climate change is having on wildlife ranging from caribou, polar bears and moose to wolves, arctic fox, Canada lynx and even beluga whales.

Don’t miss this chance to spend a fascinating evening with this noted naturalist and born storyteller. The event runs at the library from 6:30 to 8 p.m. No reservations are needed. And it’s free, thanks to the sponsors – the Richmond Conservation Commission, Bolton Conservation Commission, Richmond Climate Action Committee, Richmond Land Trust and Alison’s Aquatics. Save the date!

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