SPAGHETTI SUPPER IN GUILFORD January 28 (Wednesday) 5:00-6:30 pm in the Guilford Central School cafeteria. Friends of Music at Guilford fundraiser for the music residency with Todd Roach and Mac Ritchey next week at the school.
This supper is on the same evening and right before the school band & chorus concert in the gym at 6:30 pm, which begins just as the supper ends. This program, now in its 8th year, brings music enrichment into your elementary school without adding anything to the school budget. All proceeds from the supper will support the music residency, two full days of workshops with grades 4-6 and a concert for the full school.
THE SUPPER includes spaghetti, Guilford-made marinara sauce and meatballs, with vegetarian sauce option and gluten-free pasta on request, green salad, Guilford-baked bread, and make-your-own sundae for dessert; Guilford-baked cookies, too. $10 adult, $5 school-age kids, $25 family of up to 2 adults and 3 kids (or 1 adult & 4 kids.) No reservations needed, just show up anytime between 5:00 and 6:30 pm. Info, or 254-3600.
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