Early Education Meet and Greet Playgroup
Sponsored by CSSU for residents of Hinesburg, Charlotte, Shelburne, St. George, and Williston.
Looking for something to do with your family on a winter morning? Join us to connect with other families in your community and meet early childhood educators from your school district. We will have early childhood games and activities, a snack and storytime. Activities include; gym play, play dough, art materials, puzzles, and blocks.
* Free book to take home!
Early Educators will be available to share information on child development and local resources for families.
When: Saturday, January 24, 2015
Time: 9:30 a.m. - 11:00. a.m.
Where: Hinesburg Community School
Who: Children age birth to five years with an adult.
RSVP Encouraged: Kristin Eisensmith at 383-1226 or keisensmith@cssu.org
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