Starting with:
Rockin' Ron The Friendly Pirate
Saturday January 24 from 10-11:00 a.m.
Argh mateys... The most famous pirate around is stopping in. Rockin' Ron shares pirate lore
and changes the world with music as only a friendly musician can.
RRR mateys - RRtFP steps aboard the VaRRRnum!
Early afternoon:
Hot Cider Stories
Saturday January 24 from 1:30-3:00 p.m.
It may be frosty outside, but at the Varnum there will be Winter Themed Stories, Hot Cider
and treats to warm. Listen as LN lifts the stories off the the pages!
For more info. about other Winterfest activities check:
Mid afternoon:
Saturday January 24 from 3-5:00 p.m.
Freedom and Unity:
The Vermont Movie And Discussion Series: Part Five: Ceres’ Children
Viewers need not have seen any others in this series to thoroughly enjoy this event. The film is
fast paced and shows parts of Vermont's history most residents of Vermont are unaware of.
Part Five takes a deeper look at some of Vermont’s cherished traditions: participatory
democracy and the conservation ethic. Following the film the discussion will be led by Linda
Bland and light refreshments are served.
Varnum Memorial Library
194 Main Street
For more information call 644-2117 or
All events are Free and the public is welcome