Waterbury Trustees Public Hearing Jan. 22

Past event
Jan 22, 2015, 7 to 7:30 PM

In addition to the Pubic Hearing on the Proposed Vending Ordinance, the Village Trustees will also be holding a Public Hearing on the Proposed Downtown Area Interim Zoning Bylaw Amendments at 7 PM on January 22nd. A copy of the Draft Interim Zoning Regulations, dated December 30, 2014, is available from the Town Planner.

“The purpose of these Interim Downtown Area Bylaw Amendments is to help implement the Long-term Community Recovery Plan following Tropical Storm Irene, and to promote the general welfare of the Village of Waterbury. These proposed Interim Bylaws will facilitate redevelopment of the downtown area for multi-family residential use, including the area encompassed by the Historic/Commercial Sub-district of the Downtown Design Review Overlay District.”

There are three proposed bylaw amendments. After the Public Hearing is closed, the Trustees will vote to adopt the amendments.

Section 414: Parking Regulations
(d)(1) Dwellings one and one-half (1.5) spaces for each dwelling unit, and one (1) space for each one-bedroom unit (one-half dwelling unit).

Section 504: General Dimension, Location, and Height Requirements
(c) In the Historic/Commercial Sub-district of the Downtown Design Review Overlay District, the maximum density for multi-family buildings, for dwellings units per acre and dwelling units per building (per Table 5.3) shall be calculated with each one-bedroom dwelling unit that does not exceed 1,000 sq. ft. in gross floor area considered as one-half a dwelling until.

Section 1400: Definitions
DWELLING UNIT: Building or part thereof used as living quarters for one family. A dwelling or dwelling unit shall include one or more rooms which are designed, occupied, or intended for occupancy as separate living quarters for the exclusive use of a single household, with cooking, sleeping, and sanitary facilities. Accommodations in a motel, hotel, boarding house, or tourist home shall not be considered dwelling units.

In the Historic/Commercial Sub-district of the Downtown Design Review Overlay District, the density for multi-family buildings, including dwelling units per acre and dwelling units per building, shall be calculated with each one-bedroom dwelling unit that does not exceed 1,000 sq. ft. in gross floor area considered as one-half a dwelling unit.

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