Next Windham Regional Woodlands Association Program

Past event
Jan 31, 2015

On Saturday, January 31st, 10:00 am to noon, Windham Regional Woodlands Association will present a double-bill tour led by Trustee and Consulting Forester Willem van Loon of a five-year-old oak plantation and an active white pine harvest on the woodlot of David Snyder and Sara Coffey in Guilford, Vermont. Heavy deer browse prevents the regeneration of valuable hardwoods in our region. Come see what happens when deer are prevented from browsing a patch of woods. White and Burr Oak are uncommon in our region and you will see what it takes to establish a young plantation of these interesting species.

What does an active winter timber harvest look like? We will also tour a cable skidder-based white pine logging job and discuss logistical challenges, markets, silvicuture, ecological impact and more…

Please bring snowshoes and weather-appropriate clothing. The walk will not be long, but will include some moderate hill climbing. No dogs, please.

Please carpool if possible, and park at Guilford Sound, 542 Fitch Road, Guilford (Brattleboro) Vermont.

Directions: Take Route 5 south to Guilford Center Road (across from Guilford Store and Café). Turn Right on Guilford Center Road. Go about 3 miles and take third right onto Fitch Road. Follow Fitch Road to the end.

Park at Guilfor Sound Studio.

Contact: Wim van Loon Phone: 802-258-0364 Email:

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