Pot Luck Features “Vocal Unrest”

Past event
Jan 30, 2015

The Castleton Community Center will be alive with the sounds of music on Friday, January 30th for the first Pot Luck Supper of the New Year. The entree will include Baked Ham and a delicious baked Macaroni & Cheese casserole. The “Vocal Unrest” choral group will entertain following dinner. “Vocal Unrest” is a student run a cappella group from Castleton State College. The students all have different majors and come together for the love of singing and performing.

Be sure to mark your calendar for Friday, January 30. Dinner begins at 6:00. Bring along a side dish, salad, or dessert…and a friend! A $2.00 donation is requested. Call the Center no later than Wednesday January 23rd to reserve a seat. 468-3093.

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