Career Fair at CBMS

Past event
Feb 18, 2015

On Wednesday, February 18 from 8:00am-12:00pm, Crossett Brook and Harwood Union Middle Schools will be hosting our first ever career fair. The career fair will be held at Crossett Brook Middle School, in 3 shifts between 8:30 and noon. The career fair is being targeted towards Middle School students, as they are just beginning to think about how their education relates to real life opportunities. We are currently gathering interested state and local business and industry leaders, service providers, artists, scientists, politicians, athletes, farmers, journalists and others to present information about their fields and places of work. We are asking presenters to engage students with audio, visual, or hands-on displays as Middle Schoolers love to touch, feel, experience, and interact with their learning.

Middle School students sometimes feel disconnected to their education because they do not understand how it supports their future. They do not yet realize that the process of moving into the world of work begins now with their dreams, recreation, involvement, and volunteering. We believe that the more we can engage our youth in the community around them, the more successful we will be at transitioning them into prosperous contributing members of our society.

That said, we are hoping to solicit your assistance. We are looking for not only parent presenters, but also parent volunteers to help with set-up, tear down, welcoming, and other aspects. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Tara Cariano at Harwood 882-1118 or through email at, or Jennifer Hempey at CBMS at 244-6100 or by e-mail Please contact us by January 23rd if you are willing to participate. If you decide to participate as a presenter, it will be important to convey two main pieces of relevant information at the Career Fair:
How the student’s current education positions them for work in this field?
What path a student might take to pursue this career?
We hope that presenters will convey the message to students that their education is a relevant and important investment in their future, and that there is a wealth of opportunities waiting for them. If you or your business is interested in presenting at this career fair, please complete the form on the Crossett Brook Middle School web page:

We will contact you as we draw closer to the event, to confirm your participation as either a volunteer or presenter, and to update you on specific details. Thank you in advance for considering this event. With your participation, we know it will be a great success!

Jennifer Hempey and Tara Cariano
School Counselors, Crossett Brook and Harwood Union Middle Schools

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