Meeting Jan 13 on the Village Acquiring 57 Acres

Past event
Jan 13, 2015

At the Tuesday January 13th Trustees meeting, discussion will continue regarding whether the village should acquire 57 acres of forest land between South St and Cascade St. for free. The staff is recommending against the village owning the land, based on ongoing costs and other factors.

This was initially discussed at the October 28th meeting.

This is a hugh opportunity for village residents and the open land would be a nice complement to all the intense development going on around the 5 corners. The land is currently posted and many people want to be sure public access is guaranteed. Please come to the meeting and share your opinions for or against.

Please contact Steve Eustis if you would like more information about this. (878-4385) or

The trustees meeting is Tuesday January 13th at Lincoln Hall at 6:30pm. The agenda item is titled "Whitcomb II Open Space".

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