Jan. 11 Dem. Caucus Update

Past event
Jan 11, 2015, 4 to 6 PM

Democrats have the opportunity
to choose their party's candidates
for City Council and Mayor, on Jan 11.
Code: PARTIES: Democrat (D), Republican (R), Progressive (P), Libertarian (L). WARDS 1-8. DISTRICTS: North, South, East, Central. http://www.burlingtonvt.gov/CT/Elections
WARD 4 UPDATE: Nominations for City Council candidate representing Ward 4 will be taken from the floor at the caucus. Jim Holway (D4) has announced that he wishes to be nominated. Other registered voters residing in Ward 4 can also be nominated at this time if they have not participated in another party caucus for the March 2015 election.

You are invited to participate in the
Democratic City Council and Mayoral Nominating Caucus,
Sunday, January 11, 4:00, at the Laurence Barnes/Sustainability Academy), 123 North Street.

PARKING on North Street, side streets, St. Joseph's - lots of parking!

DOORS OPEN at 3:45 pm. All participants must be in the registration line no later than 4:15pm. The new checklist (revised after redistricting) will be used at check-in, and you must be on the checklist to vote.

CHECKLIST: https://data.burlingtonvt.gov/City-Hall/City-of-Burlington-Voter-Checklist/au5u-bhxc

FREE childcare will be available, and a FREE community dinner will follow voting -- healthy, local food!

OPEN SEATS - All City Council seats, both Ward and District, are open.
If multiple candidates, voting will be by secret ballot. (Only Wards 4 and 7 have multiple candidates.)
Candidates chosen will appear as (D) on Town Meeting Day ballot in March.

AGENDA: Each Ward will caucus to chose a Ward Councilor candidate. Each District will caucus to chose a District Councilor candidate. Everyone will caucus as a whole to chose a Dem candidate for Mayor.

~WARD 4 Dems will choose ONE candidate for the Ward 4 City Council seat. Because no nominees had officially declared interest by deadline before caucus, OPEN NOMINATIONS will be taken from the floor for this seat. Jim Holway (D4) has stepped forward to be nominated from the floor. Others can also be nominated from the floor to be a candidate for this seat. At this time, we believe a Republican candidate in March will be Kurt Wright (R4).

~WARD 7 Dems will choose ONE candidate for the Ward 7 City Council seat. Nominees who have declared their interest are Jason L'Ecuyer (D7), who has served on many city boards and commissions, and Tom Ayres (D7), incumbent City Councilor from Ward 7. We believe a Republican candidate in March will be Michael Ly (R7)

~NORTH DISTRICT Dems, Ward 4 and Ward 7 combined, will choose ONE candidate to run for the NEW District City Council seat in the March election. Declared nominees are Carmen George (D7), former City Councilor from Ward 7; and David Hartnett (D4), incumbent City Councilor from Ward 4. There are currently no announced Republican candidates for this seat.

All Wards will participate in mayoral nominations. Miro Weinberger (D6), incumbent, is the only nominee. There are currently two candidates announced by other parties: Steve Goodkind (P7) and Loyal Ploof (L4).

INDEPENDENTS (no party endorsement) have until Jan 28 to file petitions to be on the March ballot. All School Board members run as Independents.

Your vote at caucus is the most weighted vote you will ever cast in an election. There have been as few as a dozen people voting for nominees to represent Democrats as candidates on the ballot. This year, North District, and Wards 4 and 7, are the only voting areas in the city with multiple candidates - multiple choices! It’s important to exercise your citizen's right to choose your candidates at a party caucus. All registered voters are eligible to vote at a Dem caucus for candidates in the ward where they live if they have not participated in another party’s nominating caucus for the March 15th election.

Nancy Ellis, Chair
Chuck Seleen, Vice Chair
Jim Holway, Secretary
Bob Hooper, Treasurer

Ward Councilor, District Councilor, and Mayoral candidates -- Jan 28, Miller Center 6:30pm.
School Board candidates, and Ballot Questions -- Feb 25, Miller Center 6:30pm.

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