Legislative Breakfast

Past event
Feb 3, 2015


The annual series of legislative breakfasts begins on Monday, February 2.

Below is the complete schedule for this legislative session. Open to everyone, Please come if you have a chance.

2/2/15 Grange Hall Rte 22A Bridport

2/9/15 American Legion Middlebury

2/16/15 American Legion Bristol

2/23/15 Pam’s Country Kitchen Orwell

3/2/15 Town Hall Whiting

3/9/15 American Legion Middlebury

3/16/15 American Legion Bristol

3/23/15 American Legion Vergennes

Noon-Governor's Luncheon

3/30/15 Community Hall Bridport

Noon-Agriculture Luncheon

4/6/15 Congregational Church Shoreham

4/13/15 Congregational Church Weybridge

6/1/15 Bridport Grange Rte 22A Bridport

Legislative Wrap-up

Breakfasts start at 7:00am. Program begins at 7:30 am and ends at 8:45 am.

Governor's lunch and Ag lunch begin at 12:00 noon and end at 1:45 pm. Purchase of breakfast not required to attend but helps our hosts to defray the cost of opening their halls.

Sponsored by Bridport Grange # 303

and Addison County Farm Bureau

Supported by Addison County Chamber of Commerce

and Addison County Regional Planning

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