Save the Land Behind Burlington College

Past event
Dec 29, 2014, 6:30 PM

Dear Neighbors,

You may have followed the continuing story of the financial woes of Burlington College and the resulting deal with a local developer to turn the land behind the former Diocese building into 500 housing units and over 20 single family homes. To get up to date on these shady dealings, read this recent article by Laura Krantz ( This land, currently lakefront meadows and woods enjoyed for years by Burlington residents, should remain open and accessible to all, not turned into high-end housing (with the required smattering of "affordable" units). Here's a map of what the developer has in mind for this beautiful land (

Come to a meeting of local residents who are organizing to Save This Land from irreversible development. We will meet next on Monday, December 29 at 6:30 PM at the Journey Works office in the Appletree Bay Medical Building, 1205 North Avenue, 3rd floor. There is also a petition to sign, currently with close to 700 signatures. Please add yours: Hope to see you at the meeting on Monday. Contact me if you have questions.

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