Public Hearing - Increase Lot Coverage in Parks

Past event
Sep 10, 2013, 7 PM

The Parks and Rec department has asked for a zoning amendment (ZA-14-02-CO) to allow it to change its coverage of green space (buildings, roads, sidewalks, tennis courts, parking lots, etc) from 5% coverage to up to 35% coverage (65% greenspace). Lot coverage in most of the parks is well over 5% now. City Hall Park is 24% coverage, Oakledge is at 13%, LEDDY PARK is at 13%, Calahan is at 11.6%

Here is the breakdown of increased coverage requested:

Waterfront Park proposed to increase from 5% coverage to 25% (will allow almost 3 acres of buildings and parking lots!!!)
Perkins Pier proposed increase from 5% coverage to 35%
City Hall Park from 5% coverage to 35%
Battery Park from 5% coverage to 35%

All other parks falling under RCO [Recreation Conservation] Recreation/Greenspace would be allowed 25% coverage. Accordingly, LEDDY PARK would be allowed increase lot coverage from 13% to 35%.

The "public hearing" is September 10 at 7 PM, room 12 at City hall.

Note: NorthEnd NPA asked City Hall to post public hearings on a city website, or notify NPAs routinely. Answer from the City was no. They said it is posted on the bulletin boards in City Hall, DPW, and the Library (none out the Avenue). We should go to City Hall etc. regularly to check the bulletin boards? Since most people don't do that, could everyone please help spread the word that green space in our parks is getting rezoned.

As for that Luddite response to our request that the City create a PUBLIC HEARINGS website, NO is unacceptable.

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