Village Board of Trustees & Planning Commission Meetings

Mar 10, 2025, 5 to 8 PM

On Monday March 10, starting at 5 PM, the Village Planning Commission will conduct its regular monthly meeting and will review recent efforts on updates to the Hyde Park Municipal Plan and to review proposed changes to the Village's Zoning and Planning Requirements, including the potential revision of zoning districts to provide for a new revitalization zone along Main Street.

Upon closure, the Board of Trustees will conduct their regular monthly meeting, which would likely begin around 6 PM. This month's agenda includes a special guest speaker. The newly appointed Department of Public Service Commissioner Kerrick Johnson will be sharing his thoughts on the upcoming changes and the evolution of the public services as he views them. Additionally, the Trustees will be reviewing materials and information for the upcoming Village Annual Meeting and going over projects and tasks under the utility departments.

The full agenda and information to access the Board of Trustees meeting virtually are available on the Village's website.

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Village Municipal Building, 167 Main Street, Hyde Park, VT 05655

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