"Your Fresh Start Spring Detox"

Mar 19, 2025, 6 to 7:30 PM

Say goodbye to sluggishness, inflammation, and feeling drained --- and hello to vibrant health and clarity with the "Your Fresh Start Detox Program"

An interdisciplinary approach to preparing for the season change and cultivating practices for ongoing resilience. A unique program that is gentle and sustainable, provides expert guidance by three local health-care professionals and creates a foundation for lasting health.

Program Highlights:
Three Weekly Group Sessions: Dive deeper into detox topics like seasonal eating, lymphatic health, and stress management.
Daily Practices: Develop simple yet powerful routines that you can use this spring and in the long term.
An Amazing Guidebook: Filled with recipes, shopping lists, resources, self-care practices and more.
Discounts: On optional treatments and sauna/cold plunge
Dates and Sessions: weekly sessions held from 6-7:30pm at the Shelburne Athletic Club (166 Athletic Drive, Shelburne).
Session 1 (March 19) Overview and Daily Detox Practices
Session 2 (March 26) Lymphatic Health and Long-Term Habits
Session 3 (April 2) Seasonal Eating and Liver Health

Come increase your energy, mood, and overall vitality with us!

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Event Info

Shelburne Athletic Club, 166 Athletic Drive, Shelburne, VT

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