Conscious Communication Course

Apr 12, 2025, 10 AM to 4 PM

Conscious communication is made up of Supportive Listening and Assertion, a set of skills that enable you to express yourself honestly without blame and listen to understand another person without judgment. These skills help you to maintain your connection when there is conflict and discuss your feelings and needs constructively.

April 5 - Supportive Listening Workshop - How to understand and connect with others, even when you disagree.
Listening well means setting aside your bias and seeing things from another person's perspective. These skills open your mind, expand your world, and help you feel more connected. Interactive workshop led by Miles Sherts includes demonstrations and interactive role plays.

April 19 - Assertion Workshop - How to be honest about your feelings and needs without blame or judgement.

Assertion is an effective way to give feedback when you want someone to hear you and understand your experience. It enables you to have deeper connections and greater independence, and is essential for healthy, authentic relationships. Interactive workshop led by Miles Sherts includes demonstrations and interactive role plays.

Attend one or both workshops!

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Stillwater Landing, Panton/Vergennes, VT

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