"You can't get there from here..." Join our February 20th Hazard Mitigation discussion at 7 p.m. Thursday.
In a flood, that may be true. Roadways become inundated, culverts wash out and bridges become unsafe. Learn more about how to plan evacuation routes, and what portions of our roadways could fail... and hence prevent access to needed resources, safety or shelter.
Plainfield Hazard Mitigation Committee
Effective Public Planning for Disasters
February 20, 2025 7 p.m. - Plainfield Town Hall, 1st Floor
Please stop by and listen in, or attend via Zoom.
This is a public event. Each month we try to introduce a topic about planning for a possible a future risk to residents... for discussion and problem-solving. Handicapped accessible. (Please carefully pull into front parking space to access the building.)
1. Call to Order - Chair Maggie Baird (approx. 7 p.m.)
2. Introduction and welcome of Guests and Visitors (10 min.)
3. Changes to the Agenda (5 min.)
4. Review of Minutes from prior meetings (10 min.)
5. Batchelder Dam Study Update (Michael 10 min.)
6. Reaffirmation of Committee Rep. to Green Mt. Power (5 min.)
7. Likely presenters and theme for our late May "Disaster Preparation for Households with Disabilities or Chronic Illness" (Maggie - 5 min.)
8. Public preparation for disaster evacuation, and advance staging of municipal resources. Keith Cubbon (CVRPC) Using GIS resources to map flood challenges to deploying equipment and safe evacuation; and Tom Molteni (former Logistics Officer, U.S. Army) Planning for deployment of equipment, personnel and resources before and during disaster situations. (45 min.)
9. Adjourn (approx. 8:30 p.m.)
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6280392654?pwd=SzBvVlpLbjBJdWtkYWs3dXBRTWJiQT09
Meeting ID: 628 039 2654
Passcode: 123123
To join by phone (only one connection is possible) call 802-322-5019.
If you hear a busy signal, the connection is no longer available.
Feb 21, 2025, 12 to 1 PM
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