Plainfield Town Meeting Informational Meeting
February 27th, 2025 6:00 p.m.
Plainfield Opera House, 18 High St, Plainfield
To Attend the Public Hearing and Informational Meeting Remotely:
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Meeting ID: 843 1794 3533 Passcode: 123123
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The Citizens of Plainfield are invited to attend a Public Hearing and Informational Meeting hosted by the Plainfield Selectboard, conducted in-person and remote attendance option offered via Zoom to discuss the Articles on the 2025 Town Meeting Warning.
A. Call To Order
Additions To The Agenda
Public Comment
B. Discussion On 2025 Town Meeting Articles
[Public Comment Permitted On All Articles]
Art 3: To hear reports of Town Officers and act on the same.
Art 4: Shall the Town vote to raise, appropriate, and expend the sum of $6,833.06 for the support of Rural Community Transportation Inc. to provide services to residents of the Town of Plainfield?
Art 5: Shall the Town of Plainfield appropriate the sum of $1,499.00 to Green Mountain Transit as its share of the 2025 year cost of commuter bus service along Route 2 with service into Montpelier? This appropriation funds a portion of the total cost of the service which will also be supported by appropriations from other towns, State, and Federal funds, and passenger fares.
Art 6: Shall the Town voters authorize the expenditures for the following not-for-profit service agencies as recommended by the appointed Social Concerns Committee?
Art 7: Shall the Town voters authorize an appropriation of $54,000 to the Cutler Memorial Library to pay for the librarian, a library assistant, and the purchase of materials and services, including those to make the library accessible to the community?
Art 8: Shall the Town establish a reserve fund to be called the Recreation and Public Arts Project Reserve Fund for the purpose of building reserves to cover larger projects, including matching funds for grants, to be initially funded by $2,500 from the General Fund, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. 5 2804?
Art 9: Shall the Town establish a reserve fund to be called the Disaster Reserve Fund, for the purpose of providing readily available cash in emergencies for immediate response, including matching funds for grants, to be initially funded by $10,000 from the General Fund, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. 5 2804?
Art 10: Shall the Town establish a reserve fund to be called the Sidewalk and Pedestrian Reserve Fund for the purpose of funding sidewalk and other pedestrian infrastructure, including matching funds for grants, to be initially funded by $500 from the General Fund, in accordance with 24 V.S.A.
5 2804?
Art 11: Shall the Town establish a reserve fund to be called the Bridges Reserve Fund, for the purpose of funding bridge construction and maintenance, including matching funds for grants, to be initially funded by $5,000 from the General Fund, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. 5 2804?
Art 12: Shall the Town establish a reserve fund to be called the Culverts Reserve Fund, for the purpose of funding culvert construction and maintenance, including matching funds for grants, to be initially funded by $10,000 from the General Fund, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. 5 2804?
Art13: Shall the Town establish a reserve fund to be called the Village Expansion Reserve Fund, for the purpose of expanding the east side of the village by acquiring land and making municipal infrastructure improvements, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. 5 2804?
Art 14: Shall the Town approve $291,666.00 for the operation of the Water Department for the period of July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2026 to be paid for by the rate payers of the system?
Art 15: Shall the Town approve $363.985.00 for the operation of the Wastewater Department for the period of July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2026 to be paid for by the rate payers of the system?
Art16: Shall the Town approve total fund expenditures of $1,660,863.44 to pay for
Administrative Operations, Fire and Rescue Department, and Highway Department of the Town of Plainfield for the period of July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2026, of which $1,354,413.44 shall be raised by taxes and $306,450.00 by non-tax revenue?
Art 17: Shall the Town of Plainfield authorize the Select Board to apply any surplus from the current fiscal year to reduce taxes in the next fiscal year?
Art 18: Shall the Town vote to accept the provisions of public statutes relating to the collection of taxes by the Town Treasurer, (VSA 32 Section 4791) and vote to collect municipal taxes thirty days from mailing and not prior to August 13, 2025 and collect school taxes on November 19, 2025 and February 11, 2026, collecting half of the total school taxes on each of those dates?
Art 19: To transact any other non-binding business that may properly come before the meeting.
C. Other Business
D. Adjourn
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