Please join us for our city-wide Mayoral, Ward & District Nominating Caucus on Sunday, January 11th from 4-6pm at the Sustainability Academy at Lawrence Barnes Gymnasium located at 123 North Street. At this caucus, we will be nominating a mayoral candidate, candidates for city council, ward clerk and inspector of elections for all eight wards and four districts. Please click here for a map of the new wards and districts.
If you are interested in running for office, please send notification to no later than January 2nd at noon. Please include your name, address and the office you are seeking.
According to the Burlington Democratic bylaws:
B. Eligibility to Participate and Vote in Nominating Caucuses:
Any registered voter who resides in the City of Burlington, in the case of a citywide nomination, or any registered voter who resides in the respective ward, in the case of an election for a position limited to that ward, shall be eligible to vote in a caucus duly warned for that purpose, so long as that person: 1) does not currently hold membership in another organized party’s committee, or 2) has not voted in another party’s caucus for the same nomination in the same election.