NEK Day at the Statehouse on Feb. 20

Feb 20, 2025, 8 AM to 3 PM

Dear Neighbors,

While Vermonters are welcome every day at the People's House in Montpelier, I want to make sure that everyone is aware of a very special day that is coming up on Thursday, February 20th for the people of the Northeast Kingdom. NEK Day at the State House provides an opportunity for NEK residents to discuss what matters most to the people of our region, and for legislators to learn more about the NEK and its assets and challenges.

The day begins with coffee hour in the Governor's office from 8 until 9 a.m., followed by an opportunity to witness committee testimony across the House and Senate until 11, which will include some NEK-focused testimony in certain committees. You can then join NEK legislators and NEK leaders in the beautiful Ceder Creek Room for a press conference from 11-noon focused on advancing NEK priorities. From noon to 1, attendees are invited to eat lunch in the State House Cafeteria with their local legislators and gather in smaller groups for more focused discussions. Then please join us in the House Chamber at 1 to be welcomed as our honored guests and hear the reading of a joint resolution officially recognizing February 20th as NEK Day.

NEK Day is organized by the NEK Collaborative, a nonpartisan organization committed to improving the Northeast Kingdom through coordinated community development, capacity building, and economic advancement. This is the first time that NEK Day will be held in person since 2020, and I hope you can join us for this fun and joyful celebration of the Northeast Kingdom! I look forward to meeting you.

Representative Leanne Harple

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Vermont State House, State Street, Montpelier, VT

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