Please Help Us Bag Hunger This Saturday

Past event
Feb 8, 2025, 9:30 AM to 1 PM

This Saturday, 2/8, is our 'Fill a Bag' day at Lamoille Community FoodShare, 9:30-1:00.

Many in our community are having difficulty juggling all of their financial responsibilities right now. If you would like to help put some food on the tables of those in need please fill a bag (or box) with non perishable food and personal care items and drop it off at the FoodShare, 197 Harrel St, Morrisville.

Some ideas of what is needed:
-canned soups & stews
-pasta sauces & pasta
-cereal & oatmeal
-peanut butter & jellies
-canned tuna & chicken
-beans, rice & canned veggies
-soaps, shampoos & deodorant

More than ever we need to rely on community to help fill the gaps. As a volunteer myself I can tell you it is so heartwarming to help people put a little extra food on their tables. The amazing generosity from our local grocery stores, restaurants and farms helps sustain us. But we also have to purchase much of the food in the pantry. Funds are tight for this. Your donations really can help and we appreciate anything you can spare.

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