Come one, come all! Join us for our first annual
Holiday Vendor Extravaganza
benefiting Adventures In Granola, an amazing program designed to provide meaningful work for adults with different abilities with the help of community partners! Finish up your holiday shopping while supporting a wonderful cause!
Date: Saturday December 13, 2014
Location: Essex Cinemas Club Lounge (located in the Essex Outlets plaza), 21 Essex Way #300, Essex Junction
Time: 10 AM to 3 PM
Vendors Include: Mary Kay, AdvoCare, Monet Handbags, Tupperware, Younique, Pampered Chef, Young Living Essential Oils, Thirty One, Jamberry Nails, Scentsy, Origami Owl and Adventures In Granola
Raffle Table, 50/50 Cash Raffle and Bake Sale
For more info contact Kristin Ouellette (802) 318-1433
To learn more about Adventures In Granola, please and check out our short video clip featured on WCAX at
Mar 5, 2025, 8:30 to 9:30 AM
Early Literacy Storytime - All Ages Welcome!Mar 6, 2025, 11:25 AM to 12:25 PM
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