42nd Annual Christmas at Christ Church: "All My Heart Rejoices!"

Past event
Dec 12, 2014, 8 to 9 PM

Guilford, Vt. - Friends of Music at Guilford presents its annual CHRISTMAS AT CHRIST CHURCH program this Friday, Dec. 12, at 8:00 p.m., and Saturday, Dec. 13, at 4:00 p.m., in Historic Christ Church at the corner of Melendy Hill Rd. (just a short hop across Rt. 5 from the road leading to Guilford Community Church). A dozen Guilford Chamber Singers, led by Tom Baehr for a third season, perform "All My Heart Rejoices!"—familiar holiday song texts set to unfamiliar arrangements by composers from the past five centuries. A version of "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear" by Arthur Sullivan and a Charles Gounod arrangement of "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel," as well as Baehr's "All My Heart This Night Rejoices," are among the nine songs being presented. Instrumental interludes are provided by a small ensemble of Guilford Chamber Players. Don McLean's popular dramatic reading of Dylan Thomas's "A Child's Christmas in Wales" is reprised this season in honor of the author's centennial year, and a brief Carol Sing ends the program. A selection of note cards, CDs, and other Friends of Music merchandise will be available for holiday gift-giving. Admission is free, with donations encouraged to support both Friends of Music and Christ Church. Info: 802-254-3600, office@fomag.org, www.fomag.org.

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