Parent Discussion - Substance Use Awareness

Past event
Dec 11, 2014

Parent Education Presentation and Substance Awareness

Thursday, December 11, 6:30 pm U-32 High School Library

Free. Parents and Community Welcome

Debby Haskins, counselor/coach/parent/teacher, will facilitate a lively, informative, evening session for parents and the public after spending the day in sessions with groups of middle school students focusing on healthy decision making around alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (ATOD).

Topics will include:
-The 5 Myths about Marijuana and the new research-based impact of marijuana on the brain
-Choices students make and some decision-making strategies related to alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs
-Showing of the short, powerful video, “THEN AND NOW’

A look at how the tobacco industry pioneered compelling addiction marketing strategies to build a massive consumer base of lifetime users that led to a national public health crisis, and how the current marijuana industry is using all the same tactics.

Watch the trailer:

Door prize drawings, too! $25 gas card and La Brioche gift cards being offered by Central Vermont New Directions Coalition, and a $25 gift card to Bear Pond Books provided by U-32.

ABOUT THE PRESENTER: Debby Haskins has a Master’s in Counseling and is licensed as an Alcohol & Drug Abuse Counselor with over 25 years of experience. She is the former Executive Director of the Association of Student Assistance Professionals of Vermont (ASAP of Vermont). She is currently a trainer and consultant for the Center for Health and Learning providing suicide prevention trainings, and has a private practice in Waterbury, Vermont. Debby is currently the Executive Director of SAM-VT, a group that opposes marijuana legalization. Her passion is working with adolescents and their families in breaking the cycle of addiction. Her years of experience as a coach, parent, and teacher guarantee an interesting, informative, lively, and experiential presentation.

For more information, contact Jody Emerson at or 229-0321, ext. 5131.

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