School Board Meeting Sept. 9

Past event
Sep 9, 2013, 6 PM

Tinmouth Town School District
Board of School Directors (Regular) Meeting
Date: September 9, 2013
Time: 6:00PM
Place: Tinmouth Elementary School

1. Call to Order (Action)

2. Presentation: (if applicable):

3. Consent Agenda: (Action)
i. Approval of Minutes: August 12, 2013 (Regular); August 23, 2013 (Emergency)
b. Superintendent’s Report
c. Principal’s Report
d. Business Manager’s Report
i. Financial Statement

4. General Public Comments (Listen and Defer Action to Future Mtg.)

5. Sign Bills and Orders (Action)
a. Approval of Warrants
i. AP #3 in the amount of $388.00, dated 8/14/13
ii. PR (not-numbered) $10,436.96 dated 8/22/13
iii. PR/Payables (not-numbered) $5,604.86, dated 8/22/13

6. Old Business: (Discussion & Possible Action)
a. Update on the Tinmouth VSBA study- John Everitt (as applicable)

7. New Business: (Receive Information & Possible Action)
a. Review After School Program (anticipated to be tabled to October Meeting)
i. Attendance/enrollment
b. Purchase Order Authorization
c. Food service options and prooosed costs for remainder of FY14

8. Policies – (Action):
a. F-16 Tuition Payment (revised) for approval
b. D-12 Employee Harassment (revised) for approval

9. Personnel Contracts (Action if warranted):

10. Set Next Meeting, (Anticipated October 14, 2013 6:00 PM at the Tinmouth Elementary School (Action)

11. Executive Session 1 VSA § 313(a)(b)(1-9 (if warranted) (Discussion and possible Action)

12. Other Lawful Business (Informal Gathering Only)

13. Adjournment (Action).

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