Saturday evening: hot contra dancing at the Grange Hall!
If you want to warm up on a cold night, please join us for contra dances on Saturday, Feb. 1! Come around 7:30 and either change to clean shoes, or really clean the ones you have on, in time for an "intro" contra lesson at about 7:45. That will be followed by 3 hours of contras from 8-11:00 PM! The live band will feature 3 of our favorite musicians: Oliver Scanlon on fiddle, mandolin, viola and foot percussion, Noah VanNorstrand on fiddle and mandolin, and Silas Hamilton on bass, guitar, mandolin and fiddle--but probably not all at once. Contra dances will be taught and called by Qwill Duvall, a caller who's new to us, but has been highly recommended. They'll also teach the lesson from 7:45 to 8:00. We always have some new folks trying out the dance--you could be one of them! You'll find lots of friendly folks to dance with--contra dancers typically switch partners for every dance, so come by yourself or bring a friend.
Admission: Choose the price that matches you--$12 for regular adult-type people, $5 for kids or low-income people, or maybe $20 if you want to help us pay the band, caller and sound really well! Our dance is run by a volunteer committee, we love to pay the talent generously!
Location: Capital City Grange Hall, located about 1 mile south of Montpelier on VT Rt. 12. The GPS address is: 6612 VT 12, Berlin VT 05602.
A couple of tips: bring some clean "indoor" shoes, or come early so you can really clean the soles, to protect our VT maple dance floor. It gets warm dancing, so plan to shed a layer--and bring a water bottle to stay hydrated!
Send an email to Tim:, or call him: 802-225-8921.
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