The Emile Gruppe Gallery is currently exhibiting the astrophotography of Bernard Wunder in a show titled "Night Sky Photography; The Magic of Stars, Our Milky Way, Nebulae, and Distant Galaxies". The show hangs through February 9th. This Sunday 1/26 at 1 pm Bernard will be giving a talk titled "Night Sky Photography" and will give an introduction into Night Sky Photography with D-SLRs and mirrorless cameras. He will talk about equipment, exposure settings and the postprocessing flow to create Milky Way and Star Trail images.
And looking ahead, Bernard will be giving another talk on "Deep Sky Astrophotography": Sunday, February 2nd, 1-3 pm. In this presentation, he will explore the field of Astrophotography with telescopes and learn how to capture distant nebulae and galaxies. A demo on equipment will be given and he will discuss the capture and postprocessing workflow.
These talks are free and open to the public - no registration required. We hope to see you at one or both of them!
The Emile Gruppe Gallery is located at 22 Barber Farm Rd. in Jericho and open Thursday - Sunday 10 am - 3 pm or by appointment (802-899-3211).
Feb 12, 2025, 10 to 11 AM
Pollinator Plant Presentation Feb. 15Feb 15, 2025, 2:30 PM
💖 Palentine's Day Party 💌Feb 15, 2025, 3:30 to 6 PM