Essex Conservation Committee Meeting Dec. 9

Past event
Dec 9, 2014, 7 to 9 PM

The Essex Conservation Committee will meet on Tuesday, Dec. 9 at 7 p.m. in the conference room at the Town Offices, 81 Main Street. The agenda includes the following items:

1) Public comments
2) Agenda additions/changes
3) Approval of agenda
4) Welcome new members
5) Development review (with the Trails Committee) of applications scheduled to go before the Planning Commission on Dec. 11 (all development review items for Dec. 11 are consent agenda items, which deal with smaller applications. For consent agenda, Community Development staff has already written a draft approval letter. If the Planning Commission decides an application is significant enough to warrant more discussion, the PC can pull the application from consent agenda.):
- 173 Lost Nation Road: Proposal to change a driveway location;
- 109 Osgood Hill Road: Proposal to subdivide a 9.34-acre residential lot into two lots;
- 218 Brigham Hill Road: Proposal to subdivide a 6.25-acre residential lot into two lots.
- Plans for the projects are available on the Town of Essex website:{4244294F-1BC3-44EF-AFEA-695EA129F287}
6) Work on the 2016 Town Plan update
7) Use Value Appraisal programs
8) Conservation Fund/Land Trust discussion
9) Invasive species management
10) Conservation Committee Work Plan for 2015
11) Minutes from July 8, August 12, September 9, October 14, and October 20
12) Other business
- Recap of Oct. 21 Chairperson breakfast
- Annual Report for Town Meeting

The full agenda is available online at ([...]pdf). For more information, please call 878-1343 or email

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