Basket Raffle, Bake Sale & Cabin Fever Bazaar

Feb 9, 2025, 12 to 4 PM

The Hardwick American Legion Junior Auxiliary and Youth SAL are holding a basket raffle & bake sale on Sunday February 9th from noon to 4:00pm to help raise funds for our annual donation to a Veterans Project and educational opportunities for our members age birth to 18.

We need donations of contents to fill baskets generously donated to us & If you have any baskets or containers you are looking to part with for a good cause, please consider donating these for this event. Also, if you have any items, you feel that might interest other that can be used in a basket, we will certainly accept them too. Also looking for basket wrapping and bows to pull these all together.

Any business artist, or crafter interested in making a basket to market their product to advertise please know these will gladly be accepted and you should include your business card or cards to advertise! Our community is filled with talented crafter's and artisans, and we would love to help get the word out for you during this raffle!

Stay tuned for more information as we get closer to the date and start selling raffle tickets for the event. Raffle ticket holders need not be present to win unless they would like to choose the basket(s) for their ticket(s).

A bake sale will also be happening with the basket raffle and other events may be added as the event unfolds. Please come out of the cold on February 9th and join us for this unique cabin fever bazaar!

To donate respond to this post or contact Corrinna @ 802-274-8333 or Suzette @802-238-2865, or bring items on Monday night to drop off at bingo. Please specify they are for the event on February 9th if you bring them to bingo! Your support is so appreciated!

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Event Info

American Legion Post #7 15 N. Main St. Hardwick, VT 05843

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