In addition to the Selectboard's regular monthly meeting on Thursday, Dec 11, the Selectboard and Village of Hyde Park Trustees will be meeting at a special joint meeting on Wednesday, Dec 10th. The boards try to meet together from time to time to discuss town and village operations and update each other on current projects. All residents are welcome to attend !
Both meetings begin at 6:00 p.m. and will be held in the municipal offices lower level Community Meeting Room, 344 Route 15 West.
AGENDA Wednesday, 12/10/2014– 6:00 P.M.
Meet at Municipal Offices, Community Meeting Room, 344 Route 15 West
1. Welcome, public comment, & agenda modifications, if any (10 minutes)
2. State Representatives Linda Martin and Mark Woodard – General Matters & 2015 Session
3. HP Elementary School (future, location and impact to Village)
4. Update on capital planning project – MPG14 Grant - LCPC staff memo
5. Sidewalks
i. Snow Removal
ii. Request for prompt removal from Nelle property, at the corner of Eden and Main Streets – necessary in order for us to continue to pile snow at this location.
iii. 2016, the Village may be unable to pile show on the Nelle property – according to the owner of the property, the Hyde Park Village Improvement Association.
iv. Johnson St. Extension plan review
v. Plowing in Village (grass damage)
vi. Town’s Sidewalk Funding
6. Town’s Revised Service Funding Policy – (Does it impact the Village and if so, how?)
7. Water Meter Installation at the Fire Station
8. Removal of small signs in public ROW’s (quilts for sale, PH Edwards, Madadashcar)
9. Update on the Trustees’ plan to move offices to Main Street
10. Zoning Process Review (hearings over the winter are anticipated)
11. Update on McMahon Chevy
12. Any other topics for discussion not mentioned above
13. Set next Annual Joint Meeting – December 2015
Please contact either Village General Manager Carol Robertson at 888-2310 or myself at 888-2300 ext 2 with any questions.
Mar 11, 2025, 5:30 PM
Johnson Beautification Committee MeetingMar 12, 2025, 6 PM
Reiki Level II ClassMar 15, 2025, 1 to 5 PM