An invitation to explore movement and meditation with Ellie Hayes
Ellie has been studying and teaching Hua Yue Tai Chi since the early 1970s. She is a founding member of Tai Chi Vermont, and one of several Authorized Trainers, preparing volunteer instructors to lead Fall Prevention Tai Chi classes primarily for older Vermonters, throughout the State. She currently teaches several Tai Chi forms as wll as various systems of Qigong. She brought Tai Chi to Johnson State College, Goddard College, UVM Continuing Education Program: she has organized classes in Hardwick, Greensboro and Montpelier. She also offeredTai Chi presentations over the years, most recently at Norwich University and Global Campuses.
We will meet on the First Saturday of the month 10:30 -11:30 from January - May. Qigong literally means cultivating the Qi- Qi is the flow of energy in and around your body. The movements are simple and easy to follow. Bringing awareness to a relaxed posture and the coordination of movement and breath, we gain useful tools for stress reduction. Qigong is part of traditional Chinese medicine that helps with mind, breath, body movement and posture.
All are welcome to participate. Children participating will have the option of joining the Story-Time from 11:00-11:30 at the library. Space in the Community Room is limited, please confirm that you will be joining us.
Mar 10, 2025, 7 to 8:30 PM
Better Connections MeetingMar 12, 2025, 6:30 PM
Safe Sitters Class for Students Grades 6-8Mar 15, 2025, 8:30 AM to 3 PM