The Essex Selectboard has a regular meeting the evening of Monday, December 16. This is a hybrid meeting that will be held in person and online using Zoom. Full agendas and packets are available at
a. First of two public hearings on proposed amendments to the Town of Essex Charter
Consider approval of consent items: Approve minutes; Approve check warrants; Consider approval of the Clean Water State Revolving Fund Application for the Center Road Sewer Forcemain Project for Step III Construction; Consider approval of Vermont Agency of Transportation Stormwater Mitigation Grant Application for Salt Shed
a. Consider request from Conservation and Trails Committee to amend the committee's charter and become a commission
b. Discussion and potential action about Human Services Funding
c. Consider support of application for a state Village Center Designation
d. Discussion and potential action regarding the mailing of Town Meeting Day ballots
e. Discussion and potential action on Town dog licensing fees
f. Work session continued on fiscal year 2026 budget
g. Discussion about proposed fiscal year 2026 capital budget and five-year plan
h. Discussion about fiscal year 2024 fund balance assignments
i. * Consider appointment of a volunteer as Essex Representative on the Chittenden County Communications Union District - Hubie Norton
j. *Interview and consider appointment of a volunteer to serve as the Alternate Essex Representative on the Chittenden County Communications Union District Board - Andy Watts
*All or part of these items may be held in executive session.
You may also join by calling 1 (888) 788-0099 toll free
Meeting ID: 987 8569 1140
Passcode: 032060
For more information please contact Administrative Assistant Kate Larose at 878-1341 ext. 1132 or
Dec 14, 2024, 8 AM to 12 PM
Seated Tai Chi for Health & BalanceDec 16, 2024, 10 to 11 AM
Milton Selectboard Regular MeetingDec 16, 2024, 6 to 9 PM