Women of Maple Corner Yankee Swap - Dec. 18

Past event
Dec 18, 2014

If you are a woman in Maple Corner, you are invited to join other women in "greater" Maple Corner for this year's Yankee Swap, 7:00 pm, Thursday, December 18, 2014 at the Maple Corner Community Center.

Consider coming early (6:00ish) and bring colored lights, house lamps, cushions, rugs or anything to help us decorate and make the Community Center more homey for this event.

First time doing the Swap? Here's what to do: Bring a wrapped gift, something you already own that you are willing, or want, to part with. Remember, it should be an item that others will actually want! Part of the fun is having multiple people interested in the same item who then try to "steal" it back.

Please bring a beverage, hors d'oeuvre or dessert to share. You may also want to bring a comfy cushion to sit on.

Pass the word to others! We don't want to leave anyone out.

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