The Future of Efficiency Vermont - Join the Conversation Dec 10

Past event
Dec 10, 2014, 6 to 7:30 PM

Community Forum on Efficiency Vermont’s Future Direction, 6 pm to 7:30 pm

Please join Efficiency Vermont Director Jim Merriam at a Community Forum. Efficiency Vermont is creating a three year plan for Vermont’s Energy Efficiency Utility and wants our input:
· What programs and initiatives are working well? What needs improvement?
· What should our top priorities be for the next three years?
· How can we better serve all Vermonters and help them reduce energy costs?
· What should we be doing to support the state’s goal for 90% renewable energy by 2050?

Each forum will feature a brief presentation, followed by open discussion. A light supper will be provided.

Interested? Please RSVP by visiting or calling: 1-888-921-5990. RSVP is requested as food will be provided, but not required.

December 10th: Richmond
If you can't make the Richmond forum, there's one in Brandon on December 11th.

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