Vermont Energy and Climate Action Network Conference Dec. 6

Past event
Dec 6, 2014

Climate change threatens Vermont’s economy, way of life and future generations. To turn this challenge into opportunity, we need all hands on deck to realize a renewable energy future and meet Vermont’s energy and climate goals.

For those who want to get involved in – or deepen their involvement in – clean energy and climate change solutions there is an event you don’t want to miss this Saturday, December 6. The Annual Vermont Community Energy and Climate Action Conference at the Lake Morey Inn in Fairlee this Saturday from 9 am to 5 pm is an event designed to inspire, support and grow the statewide network of town energy committees and other Vermonters interested in charting an efficient, renewable energy future for our state.

This powerful, one-day event emphasizes clean energy and climate action strategies that can be implemented locally. Specifically, the conference includes:

Over 20 workshops on topics ranging from community solar and energy efficiency to the legislative look forward and building powerful alliances; Opening remarks from Vermont state agency energy and climate change leaders.

A presentation and conversation with Senator Bernie Sanders.

Exhibits and information from dozens of renewable energy, energy efficiency, transportation and clean energy experts and advocates; Fantastic networking opportunities; An amazing, largely local lunch.

The cost is $45 and includes the largely local lunch. REGISTER TODAY!

Find all the details, register today and plan to enjoy an inspiring, empowering event. A group of us are carpooling to Fairly this Saturday morning. If you are interested in joining us, give me a call or shoot me an email.

Hope to see you there.

Jeff Forward, LEED® AP Forward Thinking Consultants, LLC 2899 Hinesburg Rd Richmond, VT 05477 802.434.3770

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