Monday, December 09 2024, 6:30 p.m., 236 School Road, Guilford, VT
Call to Order (ESTIMATED Time)
Rules of Procedure (2 minutes)
Changes to Agenda Order (2 minutes)
Public Comment, Announcements (10 minutes)
Approval of Minutes ACTION: MOTION (2 minutes)
Minutes of the regular meeting of 11.25.24
Finance ACTION: MOTION (5 minutes)
Payroll - WE 12.01.24 $11,056.65
Payroll – WE 12.08.24 $TBD
Expense Warrant #2511 $17,697.16
Expense Warrant #2511X $3,484.59
Expense Warrant #2511R $13,558.67
Updates and Reports
Town Administrator (5 minutes)
Highway Commissioner (5 minutes)
Guilford Volunteer Fire Department (5 minutes)
Old Business
ARPA Remaining Funds ACTION: MOTION (8 minutes)
Town Office & Garage Security and IT equipment
Guilford Guide
Appointment of Selectboard Member ACTION: MOTION (5 minutes)
New Business
Potential single-meeting decision - Pre Town Meeting date ACTION: MOTION (5 minutes)
Potential single-meeting decision - Creation of Restricted Fund for Bond funds ACTION: MOTION (5 minutes)
Other Business (2 minutes)
Correspondence (2 minutes)
Public Comment (15 minutes)
Actions from 11.25.24 Meeting
Approved 11.14.24 minutes
Approved amendment to warrants
Approved payment of Warrants
Appointed Matt Stinchfield as Tree Warden
Action Taken
Actions to be Taken
Join Zoom Meeting
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Dec 14, 2024, 7:30 to 8:30 AM
Market on Main - A Holiday Pop UpDec 14, 2024, 12 to 8 PM
Antje Duvekot and Goodnight MoonshineDec 14, 2024, 7:30 PM