We've got another wonderful contra dance coming up on Saturday. It's the first Saturday of the month, and enjoy the great dance teaching and calling of another of our favorite callers: Nils Fredland. The tunes will be played by--you guessed it--another great band: the Daybreak Trio. The band includes Anna Patton on clarinet, Naomi Morse on fiddle and Owen Morrison on guitar and mandolin. Come and be part of our social dance, at the Capital City Grange Hall, just 1 mile south of Montpelier at 6612 Rt. 12, Berlin VT 05602.
Nils will teach an introductory/refresher lesson starting about 7:45 PM, and then will teach and call all the dances from 8:00 to 11:00, with a short break about 9:30. Contra dancers usually switch partners after every dance, so there are lots of people to dance with.
Admission: $12 for adults, $5 for kids or low income, or give us some extra to help us pay the band, caller and sound tech really well!
Our usual tips: Please bring some clean "indoor" shoes, or come early to really clean your shoes well--it helps to protect our Vermont maple dance floor. Dress in layers so you can shed some as you heat up with dancing--and bring a water bottle to stay hydrated! If you've got questions, email Tim: cdu.tim@gmail.com, or call him: 802-225-8921.
Mar 11, 2025, 9 AM
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