Gifts That Give

Past event
Dec 7, 2014, 11 AM to 3 PM

Come to Contois Auditorium on Sunday, 12/7 to Christmas shop in a new way. "Buy" a gift for someone you love by donating to a local non profit organization in their name. Non profit organizations attending will include:

ANEW Place a holistic continuum of services for individuals who are homeless
Camp Agape Vermont a camp program for children with a parent in prison
COTS emergency shelter, services & housing for homeless individuals
Dismas House of Vermont transitional housing and support for former prisoners
Ghar Sita Mutu housing and services for orphans and women of Nepal
Habitat for Humanity affordable, energy efficient housing for low income working families
JUMP (Joint Urban Ministries Project) compassionate support for the challenges of poverty
Kids for Peace Vermont youth uplifting our world through LOVE and ACTION
Meals on Wheels home delivered meals for northwestern Vermont seniors
Mercy Connections empowering people to make significant life changes
Northern Friends for Haiti developing sustainable solutions with our friends in Haiti
Peace & Justice Store fair trade, artisan products from 36 countries
Spectrum helping youth and family turn their lives around
Vermont Interfaith Action making compassion & social justice a reality for all Vermonters
Vermont Refugee Resettlement Program hope and opportunity for Vermont refugees & immigrants
Women Helping Battered Women working to end domestic violence against women & children

Sponsoring organizations:
Cathedral Church of St. Paul
Christ Church Presbyterian
College Street Congregational Church
First Baptist Church (Burlington, VT)

Any questions? Contact Lee Ann Donner 802-864-7704

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