Vermont Land trust has a number of exciting online events coming up in the next couple of months! They cover diverse topics such as place-based education, old growth forests and sharing oral histories. See the details below:
Engaging the Next Generation of Land Stewards
Thursday December 5th 11am-12:15pm
Vermont is on the forefront of place-based, experiential education for high school aged students, especially focused on food and forests. In this facilitated panel discussion, we'll hear from two programs working with students to foster the skills and passion to care for the land. Students from Woodstock Union High School's CRAFT (Community and Climate Resilience through Agriculture, Forestry, and Technology) Program and the Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Program of the Green Mountain Technology & Career Center will share about their experiences in the program and we'll also hear from the program's leaders about building and sustaining offerings like these.
Old Growth Forest Characteristics: The What, The How and The Why
Tuesday January 14th 12pm-1pm
Old Growth Forests dominated the New England landscape for thousands of years, prior to European settlement. Today, they occupy less than one percent of the region. Learn what old growth forests are, why they are valuable, and how we can get more old forests back on the landscape through a range of approaches, from passive Wildlands conservation to light management. Ecologist Liz Thompson and VLT forester David McMath will share stories on old growth protection and management from the Vermont landscape and will answer your questions.
Stories of the Land: Documenting Memories of Places that Matter
Tuesday January 28th 7pm-8:30pm
Everyone has a place that is special to them. We develop a connection to place through our own experiences and memories of our time there, and through stories from other people who also care about that place. In this online workshop, VLT is partnering with Vermont Folklife to give attendees tools to seek out and record oral histories that document your relationship to important places in your life and community.
Even more events will be listed in the coming weeks on!
Feb 19, 2025, 6 to 7:30 PM
Tunbridge Sunday SeriesFeb 23, 2025, 2 to 4 PM
Reformer Pilates Informational Sessions at UVACFeb 25, 2025, 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM