The Bristol Equity Committee is working to ensure that Bristol is a vibrant sustainable and accessible community where all feel welcome, safe, respected, and where all value diversity.
The next meeting of the Bristol Equity Committee (BECQ) is:
Wednesday, December 4
7:00 PM
Holley Hall Conference Room
(Zoom option below)
The meeting is open to all members of the Bristol community.
I. 7:00-9:05 Call to order and opening business
i. Committee member introductions
ii. Identify notetaker and facilitator for January meeting
iii. Approve September & October notes
II. 7:05-7:10 Public Comment Period
III. 7:10-7:15 Addition of Items to the Agenda
IV. 7:15-8:15 Old Business: Core Values project with Tabitha Moore
a) Review groups for outreach
b) Consider & add/amend questions to be used when we invite community feedback on Core Values…
1. What makes a thriving community or when is a community at its best?
2. What do you need to be supported by those who live and work in your community?
3. When do you feel valued by your community?
4. What would you want others to say about your community 20 years from now?
5. Other questions?
c) Training led by Tabitha Moore: Part 2 of How Bias Becomes Business
V. 8:15-8:30 New Business
a. Information swap
VI. Next Meeting: Month, date, year, at 7:00 pm
VII. Adjournment
* Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 834 0793 5032
Passcode: 096306
Dial by your location: +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
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