Please join us to provide input to our elected officials on critical issues and to learn more about upcoming ballot initiatives.
6:30 Call to Order, Announcements, Public Forum
- Introductions of Steering Committee members, guests, and invitees
- Call for any public comments or announcements
- Share your news, your events, your questions, and your concerns
6:45 Connect with City Council Members, Joan Shannon and Becca Brown McKnight (invited)
- Condo Conversion Ordinance
- Dog Task Force Report Ordinance Change
- Holiday accommodations downtown
- Downtown health report
7:15 Legislative Preview (connect with Reps. Tiff Bluemle, Bram Kleppner, Mary Katherine Stone, and Barbara Rachelson) (invited)
- What are your top issues?
- How do you want to be kept informed?
- Are there ways you'd like to be involved in the work?
7:45 Wastewater Treatment Bond Initiative, Megan Moir (DPW Division Director for Water Resources)
8:15 Barge Canal Update, Ruby Perry and Andy Simon
8:30 Adjourn
What is the NPA?
Neighborhood Planning Assemblies (NPAs) are grassroots, neighborhood organizations established in Burlington's wards to encourage resident participation in City government. Working as neighborhood advocacy groups, Neighborhood Planning Assemblies help improve communication between the residents of Burlington and City government through regular meetings scheduled in each Ward.
Feb 9, 2025, 9 to 11:30 AM
Last Chance to Make a Custom Mug!Feb 12, 2025, 5:30 to 8 PM
Let Your Inner Goddess RiseFeb 15, 2025, 9:30 to 11:30 AM